This request form will gather information about your hosting needs. The form will be saved periodically and you may return to it later. You can revisit and edit any section of the request form using the progress bar above for navigation. If you are unsure of what to enter for a particular question, place your mouse pointer over the ? box next to the input field for more information or email
Note about new third level domains (e.g.
The criteria the Hostmasters apply and the chain of escalation for approval are outlined in
'New third level names should represent a division, school, college,
department, office, center or other organizational unit of the university, or a function of the university as a whole, or a service
offered to the university as a whole. Third level names that represent particular projects or localized services are discouraged,
even if the project or service involves multiple units of the university. DoIT staff may suggest an alternative, usually a fourth
level name derived from a previously approved third level name. If the requester feels the original name should be used, DoIT staff
will escalate the request.'
In the
Description field below please provide details about who the audience is and the content of the site which we will provide to
the hostmasters, so they can determine if a third level domain is warranted.
Alternatives: Consider whether there is an existing third-level domain you can build off, such as: